Roles: Marketing Coordinator, Deputy Director, Interim Executive Director

Myrtle Avenue Business Improvement District

The Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Business Improvement District covers 15 blocks across the neighborhoods of Fort Green and Clinton Hill. Within these storied neighborhoods is a diverse community of residents, businesses, property owners, workers, and visitors. Myrtle Avenue’s year-round free programming, with signature events like the Myrtle Monster Mash, Holiday Tree Lighting, and Summer Night’s series (see below), are some of the highlights among many events I have managed within the BID.

Through expanded roles I have activated the corridor, including Myrtle Avenue Plaza, while leading and managing all programming aspects and logistics. Closely collaborating with the BID’s sanitation team, Block By Block, helped ensure each activation area was clean, safe, and well managed.


The Myrtle Avenue BID runs along Myrtle Avenue, from Flatbush Extension to Classon Avenue, through the communities of Fort Greene and Clinton Hill.


Open Streets

